Time to make changes
It’s the start of a new year (Happy 2024!) so there’s no better time to look back on 2023. The highs and lows, the successes and failures. There’s definitely things that need to be improved or changed. Plus it’s time to set some New Years ReSEWlutions for 2024!

I’ve got rather mixed feelings about 2023 – both personally and creatively. When I look back at the ReSEWlutions I made a year ago- only a few of them have been achieved. Most are still a work in progress and other’s weren’t attempted. I’m hoping to turn that around this year by making the goals more achievable.

Of course the big success story for 2023 (without a doubt 😉) was Zahra’s Wedding Bag! I’ve never spent so much time designing and sewing a bag before. It was a labour of love that took about 5 months from start to finish. I only had one shot to get it right. All I can say is WOW! And lucky for me that’s all everybody else could say!

Looking ahead to 2024 – there’s a lot I would like to achieve. But I also want to be more realistic about what is possible. There’s no point setting myself a long list of goals if I’ll only be able to accomplish a few.

ReSEWlutions for 2024
- Release a new sewing pattern – for sale in my Etsy Store.
- Continue writing posts for my website. I’m going to aim for 1 per month (instead of fortnightly). This is so I can spend more time working on patterns/tutorials, as well as social media.
- Release new tutorials on my website. I’m currently working on several – I just need to get them finished.
- Concentrate on building my presence on social media; particularly Instagram and Facebook.
- Start up Pedlar Creative Sewing Circle again in 2024. But with more regularly sessions, more sewers and possibly filming(?)
- Finish projects before starting new ones. Try and reduce size of ‘To Do’ pile.
- Limit fabric buying. Try to only use fabric I’ve already purchased.
- Re-use and repurpose damaged tents and materials. This is part of my ongoing goal to be more environmental with zero waste.

In regards to this last goal. Have I told you about the tents that I saved from landfill? They are damaged – although it’s mostly the poles which I don’t have a use for anyway. The fabric, fly sheet, zippers and cordage looks brand new. So I thought why not repurpose these materials into bags? I can’t wait to get started – it’s going to be an exciting project!

And that’s it! I’ve tried to keep my goals to a minimum but I won’t limit myself. Hopefully in the end I’ll have reached my stated ReSEWlutions for 2024 plus more. I want to focus on Pedlar Creative this year. So, will you join me on my sewing adventures?

Your tent stuff is intriguing, ME