Another new year & plenty more goals!
I can’t believe it’s almost the end of January! And I’m only now getting around to writing my first post for the year. Not a great start to 2023… But I’m hoping to turn this around and get back to posting regularly every fortnight. It’s definitely at the top of my New Years ReSEWlutions 2023!

First off – I’d like to make a disclaimer. There might be a small gap in my posts mid year – due to a big trip overseas. I only mention it because quite a few of my New Years ReSEWlutions 2023 centre around this trip. Plus I’ll be madly sewing clothes and bags over the next few months – just for it. There’s definitely no better feeling than packing a suitcase full of me made things!

New Years ReSEWlutions 2023
- To publish posts on my website on a regular basis – every fortnight.
- Create more sewing and information tutorials.
- And maybe a video tutorial?
- Publish regular posts on my social media accounts (instagram & facebook).
- Design and release at least 2 new patterns in my Etsy store. I’m working on one at the moment and you might be surprised – it’s not a bag pattern!
- Start selling bag hardware in my Pedlar Creative Etsy store.
- To design and make a handbag for my future sister-in-laws wedding! I know! Very exciting but also scary. No pressure – 😂
- To sew my own outfit for the wedding. Although my clothes making skills are still beginner, I’m hoping that I know enough to make my own Sari.
- To sew myself a handbag for the wedding – one that matches my Sari.
- Sew myself some matching drawstring travel bags for the trip.
- Sew more clothes and improve my skills – and to take with me to Europe. I’m hoping my new dressmaking model will help with that!
- Enter the MS Mega Sew competition 2023 – raise money for people with MS.
- Try to get through my constantly growing list of sewing Projects.
- Continue practicing a zero waste policy in my craft/sewing room.

And of course my list of ReSEWlutions wouldn’t be complete without a sewing projects to do list. A few I’ve already started like ithinksew’s Wynne Dress and Swoon’s Dallas Duffel’s. Plus quite a few Noodlehead projects. And I’ve completed my first project of the year – Bagstock Designs’ Sunshine Crossbody Pouch. Yes it looks a lot like the one I made for charity last year, but that one was donated. I just loved it so much I decided to make one for myself.

With a New Years ReSEWlution list this big, can I complete it? I think so but I’m definitely going to be kept very busy! There are some goals which are more important than others. Particularly with a time limit of 6 months for the ones that centre around our trip and the wedding. It’s going to be quite a year, so hopefully you’ll join me on my sewing adventures!