It’s one small step in the right direction!
Yay! So excited I can finally start telling you all about some of my recent makes. Starting with the Wynne Dress. I absolutely adore this cute little dress. Plus I managed to get it finished just in time! To wear it for the last days of summer.

The Wynne Dress is part of the Mocha range by ithinksew. It’s a PDF downloadable pattern so available for purchasing and printing at home. I have to admit this is more preferable to me than a paper pattern. You do need to do more prep but it does also means that you can print it out the pattern multiple times (if you need to). The instructions are neatly laid out with plenty of pictures.

I was pleasantly surprised with how quick my Wynne Dress came together! There aren’t many pattern pieces to cut out and no materials required. So prepping was a breeze and once I started it didn’t take long to sew. There isn’t anything too complicated with the make, like zippers or button holes. You only need to know how to sew darts, gather fabric and attach binding. Definitely a great project for a beginner like me!

Any changes for next time? Well, as per most clothes I make, I’ve accidentally made a size too large. I suppose it’s better than making it too small. So next time I’ll be making it one size smaller. I’m also thinking of adding pockets? Because everything is always better with pockets.

I just love how my Wynne Dress turned out! It’s very much my type of fashion. So there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll be making more. I’m also one step closer to my overseas trip with another me made item ready to pack. As well as my New Years ReSEWlutions to make more clothes.