Keeping you mitts warm in winter
I’m back! My 6 week holiday in Europe is over and I’ve had to replace the lovely sunshine with Melbourne’s cold Winter. It’s finally time to admit defeat and bring out of hibernation my Winter jacket, scarf and wrist warmers. Wrist Warmers you ask? I’ve never been a huge fan of gloves because they cover up your fingers. So last year I decided to find a project online for wrist warmers instead. After some Pinterest searching I found this free sewing tutorial by Purl Soho for Felted Wool Wrist Warmers.

This tutorial is simple and easy to follow with plenty of pictures to help you along the way. It’s a great project if you’ve got some leftover wool or fleece (particularly if you’ve made my Winter Scarf) and they take no time at all to complete! Purl Soho also provide a free pattern for you to download and use. I did make one pair using their pattern but I found the wrist warmers a bit too big for me. So I modified the template slightly by shaving 1” off the total width and 2 & 1/4” off the length.

The wrist warmer tutorial also has instructions for embroidering the middle seam/thumb gap. I decided not to do this step and instead I topstitched along the seams. This was a bit tricky as I needed to be careful not to accidentally sew through both sides of the warmers. I also found it quite hard to keep the seam allowances out of the way. You might find it easier to do the embroidery.

If you prefer gloves that fully cover your hand and fingers, Purl Soho also have a free pattern for making mittens! If you haven’t checked out their website before it’s well worth having a look. They have all sorts of free patterns for sewing but also for knitting and crocheting. There are definitely a few more sewing tutorials on the Purl Soho site that I’m going to try out!