Going Back to the Basics
It’s been quite an exciting couple of weeks in my sewing world! There’s been so much happening that I don’t know where to start. Well, first off I might as well introduce you to my latest make; The Railroad Tote.

The Railroad Tote is another great free sewing tutorial by Purl Soho. I’ve already tried a few of their tutorials before like my Wool Wrap Skirt and Wrist Warmers. So I’m quite familiar with their work. I know I’ve said this before but if you haven’t already checked out their free sewing tutorials it’s well worth it. They have pages and pages of tutorials for bags, clothing, and projects for around the home. And not only that but they also have seperate pages for people who like to knit or crochet. You’ll definitely find something that will take your fancy!

One of the things I like the most about Purl Soho’s tutorials is that they are so well written. There’s always plenty of photos and detailed instructions and the Railroad Tote is no exception. This tote also doesn’t require a lot of materials or hardware. And the construction of the bag is fairly simple which makes it a great project for beginner bag makers.

You might be curious as to why I’ve ‘gone back to the basics’ with the Railroad Tote? Well, this week I added a new piece of kit to my sewing room; a Janome HD9 professional sewing machine! I know right – Big news! So in order to ease myself in slowly I decided to start off with a simple tote. The Railroad Tote is the first of many sewing projects that my Janome HD9’s going to be making.

There’s just one more piece of exciting news to tell you about. I’ve mentioned previously that I wanted to start up a live sewing tutorial group (and it’s one of my ReSEWultions). Well the Railroad Tote was created over two live messenger sessions with my mother-in-law. Kelly is quite new to bag making and I was quite new to teaching/sewing online, so it was a learning curve for both of us. But we ended up with two fantastic totes and had a lot of fun along the way! So I’m going to be starting up a new facebook group under Pedlar Creative called the Sewing Circle. I’ll be posting more details on my Facebook page so make sure you join up!