Madeleine Bag
Recently my sister in-law, Anne-Marie, got in touch with me about making a special gift for a friend’s little girl. She wanted a bag that was small enough for a two year old with a butterfly fabric. I don’t actually have any bag patterns for young children – so I started searching. My first stop was Pinterest but I didn’t have much luck. After putting our heads together and showing Anne-Marie a few adult bag patterns it was decided that the Madeleine Bag by Imagine Gnats would be really cute in a child’s size.

I’ve done a few alterations on bag patterns in the past – usually to make them a bit larger – and they have been quite successful. So I got to work and took a couple of inches off the sides and top band to shrink the size down. I then made a quick trip to Spotlight in search of butterfly fabrics. This is the one I found – Viva Terra. I think it’s really cute with the hot pink band along the top.

The Madeleine bag pattern is available for free online. The tutorial that goes with it is very easy to follow and contains lots of pictures. I did omit the interior pockets and magnetic snap to make it more child friendly. I’ve also made this bag pattern in its original size and it makes a lovely going out bag. I particularly love the pleating!

I’m really happy with the end result. I’ve managed to keep the bag’s original shape despite the alterations to the pattern. Anne-Marie loved it and so did her friend!

You won’t believe this but my friends daughter that you made this for is named Madeleine!
What a coincidence! A Madeleine bag for Madeleine. As long as she loved it that’s the important thing!