If you think the fabric looks familiar? You’d be right!
I’m so excited to finally show you my finished Sleep Set! This project has been sitting in the ‘To Do’ pile for quite a few years now. And recently I made a conscious effort to finish some of these projects. Starting with my Sleep Set!

This project is from ‘The GBSB Sustainable Style’ Book. It’s aimed at confident beginners and I think that’s pretty accurate. You also have the option of making your sleep set with French seams – making it slightly more difficult. But don’t worry if you don’t know how to sew them because instructions are included in the sewing techniques section.

One of the steps I did find quite challenging was understitching the bust lining. Particularly in the area around the straps. But I don’t have any experience with understitching so maybe that’s why? I figure it’s much like topstitching- the more you do the better you get.

Do you find the fabric familiar? You’d be right! I’ve used fabric from a quilt cover set I repurposed. Admittedly I had my Sleep Set cut out years ago but I still have some small pieces to use up- even now. All up (so far) I’ve managed to make my Kimono-Style Bathrobe, Pyjama Trousers, Camisole and a set of Easy Drawstring Bags. And now my Sleep Set -not bad from one quilt cover!

The best thing about repurposing bed linen into sleepwear is the quality of the fabric. This one was made from a luxurious thick cotton. Because it’s thicker than your average quilting cotton it feels better against your skin. Plus the colours of white with blue pinstripes is perfect for pyjamas.

One of my favourite things about this pattern? It’s shape! Both top and shorts feel nice and roomy to wear. The last thing you want in something that feels restrictive while you sleep. Not a problem with these pyjamas.

Overall I absolutely love my Sleep Set! And I know they’re only pyjamas but I’m still pretty proud of myself. Not only clearing one project on my to-do list but also more practice at clothes making. Of course I’m already on the lookout for some more lovely bedlinen to repurpose. Just so I can make myself another Sleep set! 😉