Small changes with unexpected big results
Some of you may remember the very first Shiloh Blouse that I made for myself. Although to be fair, it was a couple of years ago now. I was so happy with my first blouse that I knew it was only a matter of time before I made another. Particularly after winning 1st prize in an ithinksew competition. And here it is; my Shiloh Blouse V2!

Now, I won’t bore you with the same details as before. I covered quite a lot in my original Shiloh Blouse post. Of course, a few years have passed since making my first blouse, and my clothes making skills have improved. This gave me the confidence to make a small modification to my Shiloh Blouse. I’ve been very happy with the fit of my first blouse but always thought it be nice slightly longer. So I decided to add an extra inch to the bottom of my second blouse.

Unfortunately I seem to have made a mistake somewhere along the way with my Shiloh Blouse V2. It may have occurred when I was cutting out the fabric? But for some reason my second blouse doesn’t fit as well as my first. The extra length is great but I also seem to have added extra width as well. This means my new Shiloh Blouse V2 is slightly too large. It’s still wearable though and I really love the fabric!

Sewing my Shiloh Blouse V2 has definitely been a learning experience. It’s certainly made me think I need a bit more experience with fit before modifying any other patterns. I’m still not sure where I went wrong? My first Shiloh Blouse still fits much better than the second. But even being too big – I still love it!

There’s nothing like finding a pattern you love so much that you want to make more!