Looking towards the future…
Happy New Year! I’m sure I’m not the only one who is hoping that 2021 will be a better than the last. I figured the best way to start the year is to put together some New Years ReSEWlutions 2021 (do you like what i did there? Lol). I find it helps me to start the year with a bit of direction. Plus I love making lists!

Now I know for some people last year was definitely not a good year overall. But I’m hoping, like me, that you did have some good moments. Last year I decided to enter ithinksew’s summer sewing competition and won first prize! I entered two of the categories (bags & Clothing) with my Brendan Backpack and Shiloh Blouse. I can’t tell you how surprised I was when my Shiloh Blouse won first prize – considering my inexperience with making clothes. But now I’m really excited to start making more clothes for myself. So it’s definitely one of my ReSEWlutions for this year – to make more clothes.

Another thing that I’m putting on my list is to be more creative with reducing waste. Finding ways to re-use and repurpose items around the home. It’s not only great for the environment but can also help save money. I’ve got Donna cover that was recently damaged by one of my cats. It was one of my favourites and because the fabric is still in great condition (other than the rip) I’ve decided to reuse it. A couple of weeks ago I finished making Amy Butler’s Kimono Style Bathrobe out of part of the cover (I’ll be blogging about that soon hopefully!). The remaining pieces are going to be used for a pair of Pyjama Pants and a camisole top from The Great British Sewing Bee Book. And I think I’ll still have some fabric left over for other projects.

Of course I haven’t forgotten my blog or facebook page. I’m really sorry if I haven’t been as regular as I used to be on my blog. But I’m determined to make it up to you this year by including it in my New Years ReSEWlutions. Also I’m really hoping I can be more active online so one of my gifts for Christmas was a stand for my iPhone. I’m planning on using it to start some live sewing groups on my facebook page. Maybe work through a bag together online? I’m really quite excited about it and hopefully you will join me! I’ll keep you updated.

No list would be complete without a huge number of bag patterns that I want to make. There are a couple of Noodlehead patterns that I want to make such as her Buckthorn Backpack and Sandhill Sling. There are also quite a few Swoon patterns as well including the lovely Lola and the Nora Doctor Bag. I also recently discovered a new designer – Bag Stock Designs. She has a large range of different style bag patterns and a few free ones as well. I’ve purchased the Meraki Backpack and downloaded the Acacia Crossbody (which is free) so I can’t wait to get started on those.

There is only one more thing on my list that I want to try this year and that is quilting. I haven’t really been all that interested in quilting in the past. But I’ve found a pattern for an Irish Chain quilt that I really like so I thought I might give it a go. And It’s always good to learn new skills.

Well those are my main goals or New Years ReSEWlutions 2021. I’m really looking forward to making some of these projects. And I can’t wait until I have everything together to start doing online live sewing tutorials. I’m really excited! I just have to finish off a few projects in progress first. I hope you have just as many exciting projects planed for 2021!