Challenge Completed! Goal Reached!
If you’ve been reading my posts for the last couple of weeks than you already know about the MS Mega Sew Challenge. I’m happy to announce that I completed the challenge! On Saturday I started my challenge at 7:30am and sewed a bag for an entire 12 hours! I am pretty proud of myself. 😊And I not only completed the challenge but also made my fundraising goal.

I want to say a huge thank-you to everyone who donated and supported me along the way. Big or small – all the contributions make a difference to someone with MS. A special thanks to my mum who helped me reach my donation goal. Also to Spence who helped me get through the day with drinks and snacks. As well as encouragement throughout the challenge.

A few things didn’t quite go to plan on the day. First, I didn’t have enough time to finish the bag in the 12 hour challenge. So I was back at my machine on Sunday finishing it off. It’s all done now so my next post will be all about the Sunshine Crossbody Pouch. Another thing that didn’t quite work out was the live facebook filming. I was unexpectedly kicked off Facebook for breach of their rules. Still a bit confused about why?

There are a few things that I would change for next year. To start off with I would be much more prepared. Deciding patterns and fabric well in advanced. Also I would only choose a pattern I had made before. That way there’s no guess work on the day. Plus it would be great to do it as a team? Maybe a virtual sewing circle? I think it would be fun!

There’s only one more thing left to do. I’ll be selling the bag in my Etsy store and donating the money to MS Plus. So if you still want to donate it might be the perfect way. Now time to start planning for next year’s MS Mega Sew Challenge!