on repeat!
So you might have guessed already? Yep, Noodlehead’s Mini Minimalist wallets made another appearance in last years’ Christmas gifts. This time around I made them mainly for the adults. And the Mini Minimalist wallets were (of course) a huge success!

I can categorically say that Noodlehead’s Mini Minimailst wallet is my all time favourite pattern. I know – it’s a pretty big call! But the number of times I’ve made this pattern is testimony to it. Plus everyone I make them for absolutely loves them. So it was an easy decision when I was thinking of gifts last year. And I was already planning on making one for my youngest nephew Eddie. I had this wonderful truck fabric in my stash – perfect for a young boy.

If you’ve been following my blog for a while than you may have already read my previous posts on Noodlehead’s Minimalist Wallets. But if not, then you might be interested in reading them. You can find my first post here and the second one here. I wasn’t joking when I said I love this pattern! And if you haven’t checked out Noodlehead’s patterns before I can highly recommend.

The Mini Minimalist Wallet is a pattern that can made by sewers of all levels. Anna does a great job of explaining the instructions and includes plenty of pictures. The design is kept minimal (as the name suggests) which makes it a quick make. Plus it’s a great project for using up small pieces of fabric – a bonus in my book.

Everyone I have made this wallet for absolutely loves it. Including me! I’ve always got enough fabric left over from my bag projects to make myself a matching Mini Minimalist wallet. And the size is just so practical. Particularly in today’s lifestyle where you don’t need to carry as many cards. If you haven’t tried making a Mini Minimalist Wallet yet I can highly recommend it. But I warn you – this project is very addictive!