Pretty in Purple
This week I wanted to show you the very cute mini Madeleine Bag that I made Kylah for her 2nd Birthday. I’m calling it the mini Madeleine because it’s a smaller version I’ve created from Imagine Gnat’s Madeleine Bag. I made a mini Madeleine bag last year and it was such a success that I had to make one for my niece. If you didn’t see my post you can find it here.

I’ve chosen a fabric called ‘Studio E Unicorn Kisses Star Heads’ – seems like a good description! The other plain fabric is a Prima homespun in a colour called ‘Petunia’. I found both of them in my local spotlight store. It was such a good find considering I was looking for purple unicorn fabric (inspired by Kylah’s bedroom theme).

I created the pattern by modifying Imagine Gnat’s Madeleine bag to make it smaller and a better size for young girls. But if you fancy making a full size one for yourself the pattern is available on their website for free! I always love a free bag pattern! It’s got lot’s of pictures and instructions so I think it would be a good ‘challenge’ project for beginners.

I was really happy with the end result! And it got even better when I saw that the theme of her birthday party was purple and unicorns. I felt I was definitely on a winner! Now Kylah has a new accessory to go with her lovely outfits.