Feels like Groundhog Day…
It definitely feels like Groundhog Day! I’m sure my mid year update last year was done during lockdown and guess what? Yep you guessed it! I’m currently writing my mid year update 2021 from another lockdown. What can you do? Just stay inside and sew! Or write your blog which is what I’ve chosen to do today. I feel like I’ve worked towards some of my 2021 ReSEWlutions whilst others definitely need to be worked on.

So, firstly I’d like to start with a few things that I think I’ve made some progress on (and hopefully you agree). I’ve been spending quite a lot of time recently working on my website. Including releasing a new sewing tutorial for my fabric coasters and a new page all about interfacings and stabilisers. Not only that but I’ve been a lot more engaging on Instagram (#pedlarcreative) and Facebook. I know I’ve got a lot more work to do, but I do feel I’ve completed some big projects.

Like the launch of my new Facebook group Pedlar Creative’s Sewing Circle! Ok, so technically it’s still just Kelly and I but we’ve made a few projects over messenger and it’s been so much fun! Like, the Heidi Wristlet by Swoon, the Acacia Crossbody by Bagstock Designs as well as the Railroad Tote by Purl Soho. Next up is the Dallas Duffel by Swoon so if you want to join the fun don’t forget to sign up to my facebook group.

Another goal set at the start of the year was to make more of my own clothes. This goal is definitely a work in progress. So far I’ve finished my Kimono Style Bathrobe, repurposed out of a damaged quilt cover. And since my post, I’ve also added some pockets (why not?) out of some of the smaller scraps. I thought it was quite clever to use the press studs from the original quilt cover as a feature. I’ve also started both my camisole and pyjama trousers, made from the same quilt cover, so I should have those finished shortly.

There’s a few summer dresses that are a work in progress as well as the Rio Wide Pants from ithinksew. I’m slowly building up my skills and techniques so that I can start tackling some more advanced projects. I absolutely love these patterns by Vogue and can’t wait until I can put some of these on my sewing list.

So my Mid Year Update 2021 wouldn’t be complete without a quick look at what’s coming up. I’ve got a few finished projects that I need to write blogs for including the Acacia Crossbody – so keep your eyes open for those. There are a tonne of projects, in various stages of completion, surrounding me in sewing room. Including the Meraki and Trailblazer Convertible Backpack by Bagstock Designs, the Tea Dress & Summer Dress by GBSB and the Wynne Dress by ithinksew. Hopefully I’ll have them all finished by the end of year.

Apart from sewing, I’m going to be spending time on more tutorials for my website – written as well as video. If you are hanging out for the video tutorials I am still working on them – I promise. And of course it’s getting towards that time of year were I’m frantically making gifts. Which I can’t show you till after Christmas but don’t worry I’ll still have plenty to talk about. To start things off, Spence helped me re-organise my sewing room and I love it!