You know when you’ve had a project that you’ve always wanted to do and you just never seem to get around to it? Well this bag is one of those for me. The Geek-Chic iPad Case by Lisa Lam can be found in her book A Bag For All Reasons. I’ve had this pattern for a long time and it was one of the main reasons I bought the book, but I just never got around to making it. The recent purchase of my new iPad has spurred me on to make some great accessories for it, so I finally got the book down from the shelf, found some cute fabric and started sewing!

Well I say started sewing but this bag pattern needs a little bit of prep work before you can start sewing the pieces together. Because it’s a bag specifically designed to keep our most beloved possession safe – your iPad/tablet – there is a lot of different interfaces used which all need to be ironed onto your fabric at the start. The pattern uses Decovil fusible interfacing which feels a bit like stiff leather. I have to admit I’ve never used it before and I think one of the reasons why is because it’s very hard to buy in Australia and the USA. I ended up sourcing mine from Germany. This not only makes it quite difficult to get but it also ends up being pretty pricey. At the moment I can’t recommend an alternative (but if you’re interested let me know and I’ll see if I can find something similar).

Remember that when this pattern was originally created there was only one size iPad available. These days there are many different sizes and types so just make sure the measurements are correct for your particular device. I currently have a 10.5” iPad Pro and the sizes of the pattern should work for this model but you might want to add a little extra so the case is big enough (I added an extra 1/4”).

So far I’ve assembled the front pockets, added the tab loop and made the handle/strap. Hopefully I’ll be able to show you the finished product in a couple of weeks!

Pattern: Geek-Chic iPad Case from A Bag For All Reasons by Lisa Lam