An essential part of every girls’ wardrobe!
First of all, I’m sorry this post is a little late coming out. I’ve just had one of those weeks. But as promised a few weeks ago, todays blog is all about my new Camisole. I absolutely love it! It’s probably the first time I’ve managed to make a piece of clothing that actually fits first time around. No adjustments or changes required!

Personally I love wearing camisoles. I’ve always associated them more with around the house or sleepwear. But you could definitely make a camisole that is more suited to evening wear. Since I’m still a newbie when it comes to clothes – I was on the lookout for a project suitable for beginners. So when I came across this Camisole pattern in the GBSB book, I knew I had to try it.

This is the book from Season 1. You might find it hard to source a new copy. If you can find a second hand book you can still download the patterns for free from Patrick Grants website.

I decided to keep my first Camisole simple. So I did make a few adjustments to the pattern. Firstly I omitted the steps that involved making the pintucked yoke. I wasn’t really sure that the style went with the fabric. I also decided not to attach any lace or trim to the hem. These small modifications did make my version much easier to make. It means next time I can stretch my skills even further by including them.

The thing I love the most about my Camisole is the fabric! I’ve made it out of left over fabric from my damaged quilt cover. It’s provided so much useable fabric and there’s still more to use up. So far I’ve managed to make a Bathrobe, Pyjama Trousers and this Camisole. And I’ve also started sewing another sleep set. It’s not always easy sticking to a zero waste policy but it does get easier with time. Plus I’ve saved so much money by not throwing away perfectly good fabric that can be reused and repurposed!

Final thoughts? Not only is this camisole pattern easily modified but it’s a great project for any beginner sewers. You can make it as simple or sophisticated as you want – there are no limits for this kind of pattern. I love the fact that my first one is made from repurposed fabric! It shows that being sustainable is achievable. Plus I somehow managed to finally make something first time round that fits perfectly!